Microsoft to support IE6 until 2014

Microsoft announced via its Internet Explorer blog yesterday that it will continue to support IE6 for those that don’t wish to upgrade it, until the end of the relevant windows product lifecycle. According to the Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search, extended support for Windows XP (the only officially supported home of IE6) is not due to […]

“The Office Web Apps Love Your Browser “

Unless you use Opera, Safari (windows version), Chrome and several others… not to mention IE6 used by more ‘Office’ workers than anyone. The Microsoft Office team working on the new web version have announced in a very ironic blog post that the new service will only be supported via the following browsers Internet Explorer 7 […]

Firefox 3.6 Alpha 1 now available for download

Mozilla have announced the first developer milestone of Firefox 3.6 is now available to download for developer testing. Code named Namoroka, it is built on a pre-release version of the Gecko 1.9.2 platform and introduces several new features, most noticeably speed improvements to TraceMonkey and more support for CSS3. You can download Namoroka using the […]

Firefox 4.0 mockups

Just a few days after showing us what Firefox 3.7 may have in store visual-wise, Mozilla have released some windows theme mock-ups of what version 4 of the open-source browser might look like. Personally I would go for version B, mainly as it ties the location bar into a tab rather than just sitting on […]

XSS vulnerability in WordPress

just a quick note to anyone that uses wordpress on their website, developers have found a XSS vulnerability that could allow people to redirect you from your blog admin. Comment author URLs were not being fully sanitized before they were displayed. This bug has been fixed in version 2.8.2 so best to upgrade as soon […]