Firefox 3.5 release candidate (3.5rc1build2) released to developers

Mozilla today pushed out their first release candidate build of Firefox 3.5 to developers. This latest update contains several bug fixes and the build is now stable enough for general browsing, although Mozilla have yet to complete the quality assurance testing required before an official product release. The final release of Firefox 3.5 is expected […]

browsers browsers everywhere…

This week sees the release of several new web browsers for us all to play with, hot on the heels of its big brother, Opera Mobile 9.7 was released yesterday as a beta, Mozilla have announced a developer release of Firefox 3.5 and Apple have officially released version 4 of Safari and removed its beta […]

playing with fennec

Fennec is the codename for Mozilla’s answer to mobile browsing. While an alpha and now beta versions have been available for the Nokia N810 for several months, this week it was the turn for Windows Mobile based devices. Mozilla have now released version 1.0a1 for WM6.1+ devices to developers for testing. We have been waiting […]

Firefox 3.5 Beta 4 Released

Mozilla have released the latest beta version of popular open-source browser Firefox for testing today. The most notable change in this version is the increment in version numbers from 3.1b3 to 3.5b4. As noted in my previous post this is due to the inclusion of a number of significant bug fixes and additional features to […]